Top 9 SEO Mistakes That Can Be Avoided To Get Better Result From Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate marketing is one of the oldest marketing practices in the world. In simpler terms, affiliate marketing refers to a marketing practice where in one person refer certain online product or service to the other person who the buys the product on recommendation, create an opportunity of commission for the person who referred.

When it comes to SEO, affiliate marketing and SEO can work powerful in collaboration with each other when their goal is pointing towards the same direction only. However, there are certain affiliate marketers who are not using the potential of SEO to bring better result for their efforts in affiliate marketing or they are committing mistakes that can hamper the effect of their campaign

In order to give affiliate marketers a path of profit, this post talks about the top 9 major mistakes committed by affiliate in SEO.

  1. Focusing on keywords rather on solutions

It is commonly found that affiliate sites focus only on keywords usage, however, customers don’t go to websites for keywords!

In the sprint of getting better traffic, affiliate marketers often ignore that customers are in need of solution for their query for which they are visiting the website. Experts consultants from best SEO company in noida suggest, that keywords should be kept as a base and then create a solution that builds a healthy relationship. The easiest way of success is making people believe that buying a particular product will give them benefit

  1. Completely depending upon affiliate marketing for sole revenue generation

Often marketers commits this mistake of taking affiliate marketing as their business model rather taking as revenue channel. It is very important to understand that affiliate marketing cannot be the only way to generate traffic and channelize it. Make sure to open option for revenue generation.

  1. Not producing original content

Affiliate marketers focus on gaining traffic through paid advertisements, however, ones the fund is exhausted it stands nowhere. Affiliate marketing sites look more like product list website with little or no content to drive organic traffic. Search engine also identify sites that do not provide value to customers and sink their ranking significantly. To improve the ranking, affiliate marketers will have to provide valid and original content to customers and then the search engine may improve the ranking.

  1. Not deleting the inactive themes and plugins

Professionals from best website development company india, points out that most of affiliate marketers do not bother to the delete their inactive themes and plugins. These inactive themes and plugins can create a huge threat of cyber security and customers privacy. Idle themes and plugins are easy prey for hackers as they can easily create backdoors for entering inside your website, hence regular updation is must! Delete the unnecessary one and update all to keep the security intact.

  1. Missing or duplicate meta description

Titles and meta description appear in search engine page results, hence they should be unique. But unfortunately affiliate marketers often use duplicate meta description or they are even missing. Marketers can use tools like smartcrawl and many more to create descriptions.

  1. Not mobile optimized

Mobile usage has increased exponentially, hence, optimizing website for mobile users is a great way to provide good user experience. Affiliate marketers do not optimize their websites for mobile which makes their websites load slowly, therefore reduce ranking and loose customers as well.

  1. Using free web hostings

Getting websites on free web hosting platforms makes it difficult for marketers to customize the websites depending on their need and their customers expectations. This difficulty makes your website non responsive and customers deflects. Therefore, consider spending on hosting and get better result from customers.

  1. Irrelevant backlinks

Backlinks holds a very significant position in affiliate marketing, however, poor backlinks can actually destroy everything and land you in trouble. The best way of rescue is providing value to people who lands up on the website. Try and link with websites having high authority.

  1. Thinking SEO best practices do not correlates in affiliate marketing

Any website be it affiliate website or any other cannot simply ignore SEO best practices. It is directly applied on every website,hence, broken links, redirects, thin and duplicate

Content, meta description and many more should be tackled. In short, affiliate marketing website need SEO like any other website for better profit and ranking, hence ignoring SEO is stupidity!

SEO is a vital life saving tonic for every website which wants to stay alive online and get better conversion. The practices listed in SEO not only help in search engine ranking but also attract customers. So what are you ready for some SEO thing?

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