SEO: 3 Paths To Get It Done

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What is SEO?

Search engine Optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search engine results page (SERP).

It involves the combination of several ongoing activities and strategies. It requires constant monitoring and regular campaign changes. An SEO campaign has to grow and change with every little change in the search engine algorithms and the internet user’s developed expectations. This is the key element because of which companies will stay on the top of the navigating panel of SERPs with top rankings and ratings. With this, brand can consistently reach its customers and clients.

Getting SEO done does not always require the same level of work and intricate strategies for every company. In some cases, it is sufficient to learn basic practices of SEO and implement it on the small website. While for others it become essential to hire an entire team, may be In-House or outsourced SEO to perform constant updates to the website and regularly build links and relationships with other organizations.

Basically, there are three ways or paths to get your SEO done.

  1. Learn and Do It Yourself,
  2. Build an In-House Team
  3. Hire an SEO Agency.

Let’s hear from professionals of the Best SEO Service providers, where these three paths will take your SEO.

  • Learn and Do It Yourself

There are several facets of SEO that you can learn and do on your own to get your website in line with Google’s quality guidelines. These actions will create a better opportunity to show up in the organic search results or in the local results for your business.

While many of the theories and principles are easy to understand, the application and the fine details can be more of a challenge. If you are going to start teaching yourself about SEO, you can further take help of various search engines, especially GOOGLE.

Google provides you with few good learning resources, for getting started, after that you can branch out from there. These good resources are inclusive of:

  1. Google Webmaster Guidelines
  2. Search ‘How Google Search Works’
  3. Go Through SEO blogs, Industry Research and Search Engine reports.
  • Is DIY really Possible?

Yes, it is possible to manage many aspects of your SEO  campaign assuming your website to not so big and traffic isn’t overwhelming it. In order to keep up and consistently manage an efficient campaign you need to master these key skills:

  • Technical SEO
  • Market analysis
  • Link building
  • Schema markup
  • Data mining
  • Advertising
  • Writing
  • Social media
  • Web metrics

You will also need several tools to help you run an efficient campaign on your own. Like: social media tools, seo tools etc.

  • Hiring An SEO Agency

You can choose this path, when you are not confident that you can have access to all skills and tools you need to run an effective SEO campaign. The idea of hiring an SEO agency will be a good option. This can help your ball roll quickly and immediately you can:

  • Get your site reviewed for quality content and intuitive navigation/website structure.
  • Get recommendations for website changes that will have the most impact.
  • Review your site for potential issues with things like hosting, error pages, redirects, etc.
  • Research the market and the keywords that will prove the most effective.
  • Start tracking your traffic and rankings so you can focus on the activities that are proving the most effective.
  • Create content and promote it across several different channels.
  • Can Part-Time Employees fulfill your business?

Agencies, by their very nature, work with a wide range of clients. This means that they will be acting without the same close association with your products and services that you or an in-house employee might. This often leads to questions about whether they can understand your products and services well enough to grow your customer base.

As long as the agency has experience establishing communications and detailed reports, it is possible for an SEO agency to work in an industry that requires a high level of knowledge on the part of the seller and the buyer. But you will need to be ready to work closely with them in the earliest stages.

  • Hiring In-House Specialists

An In-House SEO department has some definite advantages:-

  1. Your online efforts can be more closely tied to the normal promotional activities. That kind of flexibility and immediate response to your changing needs is critical in a highly competitive environment.
  2. You will have the ability to choose each and every team member and make sure they fit with your company culture.

This is absolutely not an option for  low marketing budget SEO Companies.

  • How much In-House Specialists costs?

If you can budget about 14K a month for a single team member, then it may be time to take your online marketing in house. If your budget is less than that, you may want to look into other options.

Which Path Should You Take?

The goals you’ve set for your company and your current marketing budget will be major factors in which path you take to get your SEO done. Carefully consider where you currently are in the rankings and where you’d like to be by the time you reach the end of the path and make your decision accordingly.

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