Are we treating SEO as too complicated process or we making it complicated?

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Just some time before, I was analyzing some of the reports and realized that I was actually drowning the basic statistics which includes benchmarks, KPIs, rankings, conversion rates, dashboards, audits and many other things. There is a fact, that all of the data and tools make life easier, but this is really too much!

At SEO Company India, we put major significance on the data which is important to make sure that are we delivering what we have asked to do. Since as we were working, we realized the more you dug into the data, and switch the tools, the less time you will be spending in doing the required work.

With the world of search engine which is crowded with various options and resources, we would say it’s time to get back to the basics and simplify the entire mechanism.

But how can we access all the data and impeccable SEO tools to generate a more streamlined and simplified approach towards SEO? You’ll get the answer below:

Simple doesn’t mean it’s Easy

Here, with the term simple, we do not mean it’s easy. If it were easy, everyone would do it effectively. We used the term simple for consistency and the results it delivers. Thus, instead of concentrating on the number of deliverables, we should focus on the results that we could get.

By simplifying the overall mechanism of SEO, you will make your path towards some of the extras that really don’t matter and you’ll start focusing on the actions that help you obtaining your overall objective. To make you understand more, we have shown a picture of “Simplified Search Productivity Cycle”.

This is all start with a goal

You can’t move even a step ahead if you don’t have a fool proofed plan. With the help of defined goals, we can easily find our desired destination. Once we’re clear on what actually we want, we can work backward and start generating an effectual strategy that helps us to get in the right direction.

While you’re working on your goals, here are some of the questions that you should ask yourself:

What is the main purpose of my site?

Is your site for driving leads? Increasing sales with four magic words? Want people to connect with your content? Your site’s purpose is directly proportional to the goals that you will set. Therefore, this is step is pretty important.

What do I want to obtain?

And here you’re going to draw a picture showing how your end goals will look like. Is it based on revenue? Based on users? Based on traffic? Defining these things, and you’ll determine whether you’re succeeding or not!

How will I measure success?

When you know what you want to acquire, you’ll definitely know how you will measure the success. In order to be sure about the positive ROI, you just the need to know the count. For example, your site is for generating leads, you just not need to drive traffic, but your traffic should also convert. If you have thousands of visitors and none of them is converting, then doesn’t make any sense.

Who is my competition?

Knowing what you’re up to is important. But looking at your competition what they’re doing give you some idea of taking advantage of the holes in their search engine marketing strategy.

Real Outcomes

As we have already mentioned, in SEO we have to access more data than ever before. This is a mixed concept, good and bad.

When we mention the term “real results” we mean anything which has the real impact on the leads towards your overall objective. At this point, you should ask the following questions and estimate that are these your real results!

  • What worked?
  • What didn’t?
  • Why?
  • What’s next?

So, if you find the answers to these questions, then you can find out are you walking in the right direction or not? And keep in mind you get the answer of the last one since you can’t get stuck with the results and data and you have to look forward and keep pushing yourself, as suggested by digital Marketing Company.

Making Adjustments

Now, just because you have a defined plan, it doesn’t mean it is going to work well. In fact, I would say it’ll never going to work perfectly. So what you should do with it? Well, this is the time to make adjustments. After reviewing your real outcomes, now you should start working on your calculated adjustments.

Use the data that you’ve collected from tweaks, add and remove some of the actions and start focusing on your strategy around the goals.

Get Back to the Start

Now, you’ve made tweaks, the cycle starts again from the top place. You should spend some time in reviewing your goals after you’ve made the changes. And somewhere you’ll definitely find that the objectives you created initially need to be shifted slightly. Hence, now the ball is in your court!

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